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Open house

scheduled for March 21 cancelled




Forged in Wood is inviting artisans that work in wood to submit work made from the Historic Basking Ridge Oak tree.  If selected, artists will be invited to choose the wood they would like to work with and are requested to return with their finished piece by May 15th. 


Artists are not limited to a specific theme but pieces should be of an artistic nature and showcase the natural beauty of the wood.  Due to space restrictions, we request that the size of the finished piece be less than approximately 48" in any direction.  The variation of the wood is impressive in texture, density, and color.  We have lots of pieces that have metal and concrete embedded in them that are a part of the history of the tree and how it has been cared for in generations past that could be incorporated into a piece. 


It should be noted that several craftsmen have found it difficult to work with due to the variation in density, water content, and graining.  Every effort will be made to ensure that each artist is content with the material selected for their project.


Each artist will also be added to our website and associated social media posts.  A profile, pictures of past work, contact information and a link to the artist’s website (if available) will be added and will remain posted until the artist requests that it be removed.  Our hope is that customers will contact either you or us to commission pieces. 

Important Dates


  • Application Due: Friday, March 20

  • Open house to select material: Saturday March 21, 10-3 or by appointment

  • Art work due date:  On or before Friday, May 15

  • Reception: Friday, May 15 (Friday night before Charter Day)

  • Show:  Saturday, May 16 (Basking Ridge Charter Day Event)

Monetary Issues





There will be no charge for the material that the artist selects to work with.  The value of it will be determined in the event that the piece is not sold on the day of the event. 


Final Sales price to be set by the artist at the time of delivery of the finished work.  This will be the dollar amount that will be used to determine distribution of proceeds at the close of the event and is to be divided between Forged in Wood, the artist, and the Presbyterian Church of Basking Ridge as defined by the following conditions.


  • If the piece is sold on Charter Day the sales price is to be divided as follows:

    • 10% to the Presbyterian Church of Basking Ridge (as required by our agreement with them at the time we purchased the wood from them)

    • 20% to Forged in Wood for the material, marketing, and opportunity to sell

    • 70% to the artist for their time and skills

  • If the piece is not sold on Charter Day but the artist would prefer that Forged in Wood keep the piece the sales price is to be divided as follows:

    • The division of sales price remains the same

    • To be paid at the time of sale (not at the close of Charter Day event)

    • Forged in Wood will cover any additional costs that may be incurred due to storage or shipping once sold.

  • If the piece is not sold on Charter Day but the artist would prefer to keep it, sell it themselves, or the piece is not entered into the show for reasons that could not have been foreseen prior to the delivery date:

    • Artist will be responsible to pay Forged in Wood for the material

Other Requests


Other Requests

As soon as possible after acceptance into the exhibition we kindly request the following: 

  • There will be an Open House March 21 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm to view and select the wood they would like to work with

  • If an artist is unable to come during that time or would prefer to select their material prior to that date we can schedule an appointment at the artists convenience

  • Profile picture and description of your work as well as any additional information or photos you would like posted on our page

Prior to May 9th we request the following information in preparation for the event:

  • The space your work will require to display their work (i.e. if it will be placed on the floor, hanging, or will need a display surface space in the 

  • The title and dimensions for signage and program




Do I have to attend the show?

  • Every artist is welcome to attend the show for the duration of the Charter Day event to talk to visitors about their work but are not required to do so.

What happens to my profile on your website after the show?

  • It can remain posted as long as you would like it to (or all of our wood is gone) with the assumption that you are willing to make a piece on commission if requested.

How will the money be divided if I am commissioned to make another piece from the oak tree after the show?

  • At the end of the Charter day event we will sign a new contract that is mutually agreed upon by the artist and FIW. 



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